Welcome to our family blog. This is for us to keep track of the fun we have day to day, and for the family and friends out there who like to hear about it. Hope you enjoy!


8 months old

Heath turned 8 months old on Valentine's day. He is a fantastic little baby. We are in awe daily of everything he is learning and how fast he is growing. I feel like he is learning new tricks every day.

  • He says "ma ma ma ma" now as well as "ba ba ba ba ba" - he has crawled after me saying " ma ma ma" on  more than 1 occasion so I like it to think that he knows what he is saying and it's not just coincidence. 
  • Heath eats anything we put in front of him, although he definitely likes fruits more than veggies.
  • He pulls himself up to standing. He uses the coffee table, the couch, our legs and more.
  • He LOVES it when Mike whistles.
  • Heath likes to knock over stacked toys and bang toys together. 
  • He laughs a lot! He is very easy to please and we love to entertain him.
Here are his 8 months photos!

I'll be posting more photos on my "I heart photos" blog. 

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