Welcome to our family blog. This is for us to keep track of the fun we have day to day, and for the family and friends out there who like to hear about it. Hope you enjoy!


Heath's first Dodger Game

We were excited to see the Dodger's play right near by in their home field. We went with Tammy and her family, minus Cody, and had a blast. Much to Heath's delight we got there early and had lots of time for playing and running around the seats.

a good portion of the pre-game play was spent comparing tongues. this may be my most favorite of my boys. holy cow their smiles kill me. proof that I was there other than the mass amount of pictures that were taken that night.

and blogger is not letting me upload any more photos, so that's all for now! Go Dodgers!

1 comment:

The Burke's said...

Em, I love his outfit. Now that is Dodger Blue. Looks like fun.