Welcome to our family blog. This is for us to keep track of the fun we have day to day, and for the family and friends out there who like to hear about it. Hope you enjoy!


End of Autumn

More writing than usual in this post, and no pictures, it's so backwards! Feel free to skip all the words, but don't skip on the video. Heath learned a new trick!

We have been keeping busy with our usual activities, but so much more has happened in the last month I don't even know where to begin! I guess it started with Mike taking his licensing exam at the end of October. We waited a tortuous week for the results. Even though our stomachs were turning and we were constantly on pins and needles waiting for the news, I knew Mike would do great. And he did! He passed the dreaded exam! The following Monday he started working full-time. We are so proud of him and thankful for working so hard so Heath and I can be together. 10 days later we moved into our own place! We love it here. There is plenty of space inside for us to finally unpack belongings that we haven't seen for months, and some even years. It's like Christmas everyday opening boxes that I don't even remember packing! It seems like it is taking a long time to get everything in it's proper place but we are very close. We spent Thanksgiving just the three of us in a our new home. It was small, and not fancy, but still very special for us. We also recently celebrated my mom's birthday, my sister Amy's birthday, and my niece's Brooke's birthday. There are lots of parties to attend when living so close to family. Heath has been loving all the extended family's attention. He loves playing with the cousins, and cries whenever we have to leave them. It surprises me how fast he is learning new things. He can catch a ball (not 100% of the time, but often enough to say he is fairly good at it), he can repeat so many more words and sounds then he could even 1 weeks ago, he can run and almost jump with both feet off the ground. He loves to pick books for us to read to him, he likes to count, he can scoot all around and pretty fast on his little toddler car, he knows many animal sounds, and I'm sure I'm not covering even a tenth of all his "tricks." His latest interest and one that I hope continues because I've never seen anything cuter is his love for singing. In the video in this post he is singing along with a youtube video my dad showed him months ago. this is the link to the video he is singing along to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3nIScO592Y
He loves this video. He asks for it many times during the day. He has a bit of an infatuation with cats. It started a while ago when my mom showed him a youtube video after searching "funny cats." After that first cat video he would ask my mom often for more by meowing at her and heading for her computer. My dad found the video attached to the link above for Heath and he requests to see it daily by meowing at me. Mike and I are getting a little sick of the song, but we can't get tired of hearing our baby sing. I took this video of Heath singing along and I have watched it so many times just to hear his sweet voice. hope you enjoy!


amyndodd said...

Meeeeeoooow... meow,meow. He is too cute! We love him!

Leslie said...

He is adorable! I'm so out of the loop. I didn't know you moved! Where to? Can you email me your address? I'm sending out my Christmas cards this week!

Katherine said...

That video is ridiculous (the one Heath is is watching of course, we loved Heath's singing)! I'm impressed with his falsetto!

Annie said...

You are kidding me!!! Jack, Lucy and I are dying over this video! Heath is such a singer!:) I can't wait to show the girls. Also, I can see how you and Mike are a little tired of the youtube video......