Welcome to our family blog. This is for us to keep track of the fun we have day to day, and for the family and friends out there who like to hear about it. Hope you enjoy!


Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas with Mike's family in Boise. The night before Christmas we read the story of the birth of Jesus and we acted of the Nativity. Heath's cousin Allie, pictured below as Mary was the casting director and Heath was called on to play the adorable Sheep.

Mike dresses up for Christmas Eve dinner and likes to take photos for his "Christmas Album."
I think this next one was this year's winner.
Christmas morning was very fun. By the end of the day Heath really got the hang of opening presents. 
We couldn't leave Boise without Heath getting to decorate his own Christmas ornament. He picked a bird to color which makes sense. He loves to point out birds whenever we are outside.
We really enjoyed our time with Grandma and Grandpa Bishop, Uncle Will, Aunt Annie and her family, Grandma Jean and Fay, and Rick and Jody. We were lucky to get to see so much family in one trip!  We had a lot of fun during our quick trip and we are excited for the next time we can all be together!

1 comment:

Linda said...

We love the pictures- It was so much fun to have you here- We miss you!