Welcome to our family blog. This is for us to keep track of the fun we have day to day, and for the family and friends out there who like to hear about it. Hope you enjoy!


the last of the birthday celebrations

we partied a lot for Heath's first birthday. we had a dinosaur party with lots of family, we did a 12 month photo shoot, and on his actual birthday we had a pizza party at home with grandma and grandpa Ashby, opened presents, and Heath got to enjoy his own little cake!
reading his birthday cards
playing with new toys and doing his best "ah ah ah" The Count impersonation 
Heath's little smash cake I made for him with the same teddy bear cake topper that sat on my first birthday cake
Heath really took his time feeling the texture of the cake and frosting. he wasn't really interested in eating it
He did eventually try it but still preferred to feel the cake between his fingers
by the end he was bored with smashing his cake and not excited about eating anymore but I think he had fun getting spoiled with presents and treats. We love this baby and we were so excited to celebrate his first birthday! 

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